Dev Blog 113: The Summer Vacation Edition

July 24, 2018

Hello airport CEO! We hope you’re having a great summer and some time off to ponder on the things of life, as we currently are. We’re currently operating on reduced speed with a sort of “on and off” work mode, putting in fewer hours and taking some time in the summer sun. Of course, when you’re two captains operating a business you can never fully check out but we do our best to get some time off in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance… that said we simply cannot keep our hands away from writing a chill summer vacation edition of the development blog so we decided to update you all on the summer progress with a short, less structured version.

We’re currently working on feature requests as voted on by the community, as well as some necessary feature implementations relating to a large number of bug reports (which was mentioned in the last devlog, more specifically concerning stuck aircraft on runways). The remote stands implementation progress is coming a long well and most of its core functionality is in place. When we planned the implementation we included the most basic features required to simulate the process but as we’ve tested it we’ve realized that a few surrounding features are required before we can start testing the remote stand feature in the experimental wild. For example, with stands without jet-ways being heavily dependent on stair trucks to commence deboarding we’ve decided that we need to implement stand assigned vehicles in order to give airport CEOs a fair chance in having their flights take off on time. This feature will not only allow for stair trucks to be assigned to a stand but also, for example, push-back trucks and service trucks meaning that there’ll be a new way to improve the performance of an airport. To get a more detailed view of the progress and what we’re specifically implementing, you can as always check out the public Trello boards either showing the complete development pipeline or just the features. We’ve included a small collage below showing the feature additions in action (there are a few visual bugs present which has since been fixed).

As for the modular runway entrances and exits, they are completed and are ready for experimental testing. They will be made available with the deployment of the remote stand features and we’ll let you know when that happens. Here’s a quick photo update on what it looks like (with overlays enabled).

So that’s it for this very, very short update. Now, we’re heading off to grab some more sun hours and perhaps a few lines of code in a nature setting – we urge you to do the same if you have the option. Fly safe!

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