Dev Blog 58: We’re Addressing The Elephant in The Room

February 21, 2017

Hello everyone and long time no see! It’s been a while, since the last development blog was cancelled due to us being overworked. Without further ado, let’s address the elephant in the room.

Where is the video?

Yes. We know you are tired of hearing this, but its coming. Why hasn’t it been released yet? Due to a number of different factors that all have one common denominator: They all consume time. While we are 100 percent ready to reveal ACEO to you, we haven’t been able to find a time where we are both available for a full day of media work. We expected to have had that time by now, but due to work, school, other side projects, sicknesses and just general annoying personal life stuff, the stars and planets are yet to align.

However, here are a number of things to consider:

  1. We’re a two man operation developing this game as a side project on weekends, evenings and literally whenever there are a few minutes over.
  2. This project is 100% unfunded. Some might say that we should try and fund it, but we are simply not ready to take that steps as it would completely change the relation between us, the developers, and you, the community. But the fact that we are unfunded,means that we have to prioritize personal activities that bring in dough (work and student loans) so that we can keep the lights on and keep developing.
  3. The project is not standing still, on the contrary, it’s advancing at the same pace as it always has. We are really looking forward to revealing the past week’s progress where we’ve focused a lot on details and code quality. Not in .gifs, but in a video. Soon.

Considering these three aspects, it’ll always be difficult for us to deliver on any “promised” deadline which is why we’ve tried to avoid them. Anyway, we’ll keep this short as time is precious. The video will drop when its done, until then these devlogs will be on low flame. But don’t worry, progress is being made, and soon you’ll see it for real.

Fly safe!

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