Hey all! We’ve had a productive week with several interim CEOs finding a lot of bugs and consequently us solving a lot of those bugs. But before we go any longer, we will not announce any release date today. This is due to the previous mentioned reasons and the overall outlook has not changed, we are making significant process and are testing and resolving issues related to major systems as well as minor quality fixes. Refer to the path notes list below for the exact details. We’ve cycled many versions of the build since the previous week and are right now running Alpha Version 0.19.6.
The screens we posted the previous week received some criticism for looking bland and questions were raised regarding if something had changed in relation to the overall art style. The reason for this was that the testers in those screens were looking to build larger airports and pushing the game engine to see where it would hurt. This was not clearly communicated by us and to scratch that itch we’re now supplying you with some shots from another interim CEO’s airport which had a much larger focus on constructing something that would look nice.
This week we have also implemented a completely new panel know as the “Manuals” panel which will act as an instruction hand book and task list for any aspiring CEO to reference as they are creating their first airports. While this indeed is new functionality, its purpose is to mitigate construction confusion and flattening the learning curve.
Airport CEO Alpha v0.19.0 to v0.19.6 Patch Notes
Fixed: Increased chance of aircraft choosing a different route if taxiway is occupied
Economy and Business:
Added a smarter way to set price, penalties etc depending on business class (will be useful if we need to balance economy aspects)
Fixed: Make sure proper contracts are offered according to stand size
Building and Construction:
Fixed an issue with game freeze when building secure zone
Added variations to road to enable different foundation
Fixed an issue with with items spawning as not activated
Fixed a mysterious lag when building
Enable proper removal of attachable fuel tanks
Boarding desk spawn as inactive and is not possible to open manually fixed
Service road now have different pricing per type
Fixed: Power symbol randomly appears on all interaction items over time
Fixed: Runway sign not saving rotation correctly
Fixed: Planes clip if the are in a queue for take off
Fixed: Passengers arrive too early on deserialization
Fixed: Service Road textures does not properly save
Fixed: Rooms with franchises do not always deserialize correctly in regards to open or closed state
Fixed: Reduced closed announcer distraction level
Fixed: Off symbol doesn’t appear on newly built stands and other objects
Fixed: PAX can sit on unconstructed seats
Fixed: Upon deletion of desks, make sure that any zone generated by the desk is automatically removed
Fixed: Zone tiles get stacked under boarding door on stand
Fixed: Add an option for players to manually set push back point to reduce the chance of collisions and deadlocks
Fixed issues with stuck janitors and several issues with job task system
Fixed an issue with airport vehicles cannot find path
Reduce start cash to make game more difficult
Fixed: Multiple security staff occupying same space
Fixed an issue with aircraft stuck outside world
Fixed: Contractor deployment and retrieval not working optimally
Fixed: Fuel truck should not be able to be ordered without a fuel depot and vehicle depot
Fixed: Security staff cannot find rooms in secure area
Fixed: Fired employees do not leave immediately
Fixed: Franchise staff can go home directly after arriving to work
Fixed: When people are buying food and there are no sofas or chairs in the food area, they will never eat always stay hungry
Fixed: Franchise staff does not leave airport if their associated businesses contract is cancelled
Fixed: Fuel Truck deadlock after demolition of vehicle depot
Fixed: Franchise staff does not retain their job task if failing to complete it
Fixed: Some pax will float (no walking animation) through any walls or items to reach a security exit
Fixed: Passengers use bathroom in staff zone
Fixed: Automatic stand and security assignment, no more connection lines
Fixed: Service vehicle controller reset method legacy issue
Fixed: Boarding and ramp agent job should not use the “connected to stand” variable but the secure area number
Fixed: Franchise staff not arriving properly after deserialization
UI and Audio:
A click error which breaks asset UI is fixed
Runway click point error has been fixed
Reworked part of the variations system handling object variations such as different foundations
Fixed an issue with the selection canvas not aligning correct
Fixed: The “Operate Security Station” is listed twice in the shifts panel
Fixed: Flight schedule IATA code shows own airport, should show origin and destination
Fixed: Procurement panel not generating products correctly
Added option to zoom with keypad
Game speed UI colours are now better distinct between speeds
First name and surname box not intuitive, are now separate input forms
Fixed: Triple on the time selector is spelled as “Tripple”
Fixed: The “What’s your name?” field asks for surname even if I provide a short one
Added a minimize button to the management panel
Various improvements on build panel such as text and panel corrections
Added flight planner button to confirm all delays
Fixed: Flight planner button to confirm all delays
Fixed: Mouse Wheel scroll in placeable panel (e.x. items ) is working poorly and scroll bar is not very visible
Fixed: Enhance upgrade button feature to cover individual buttons within a button group (i.e. food room button) as well as variations buttons
Fixed: Character creation says ‘First name’ on both fields
Implemented a new manuals panel to better deal with game tutorials and instructions
Fixed: E-mail do not sort by newest
Fixed: Allocating flights on not ready stands with no boarding desk
Fixed: After renaming security checkpoint, the name in job tasks is not changed with it
Fixed: When paused, notifications window doesn’t react correctly
Fixed: Placing several items closes the placeable panel
Fixed: Menus doesn’t work when paused
Fixed: Can’t rename stands properly
Fixed: Disable option to allocate flight if not confirmed in flight planner to avoid duplicate allocation
Fixed: Expired contracts can be accessed
Fixed: Spelling mistake on “Product Procured”
We’re going to keep it short here and get back to the code. We’re currently in the process of testing the baggage system, as it was pulled back due to construction confusion (which should be mitigated with some important gameplay changes and the implementation of the Manuals panel) and will let the interim CEO’s get their hands on it this week. This is the last significant quality testing hurdle we have to overcome and the last component that we expect to generate any critical bug reports this week.
Thank you for still staying with us and realizing that these efforts are put in place to deliver a more qualitative and playable game. Fly safe!
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