Help out translating Airport CEO!

September 16, 2019

Hello airport CEO!

As you might have seen, Airport CEO as of last week officially now supports German. This is the result of a very long project starting in the spring of 2019 with a brand new system for delivering text in the game and then over the summer the actual translation of the text from English into German. That German translation is now implemented in the game but unfortunately we've received a lot of feedback on the final result stating that the quality is not on par with its English equivalence. This is of course unfortunate, as we've spent a lot of time and resources on selecting a qualitative agency to work with to make sure that our German players can enjoy Airport CEO without breaking the fourth wall and trying to figure out what a "big door on a children's slide" actually means. We've thus come to realize that Airport CEO, with its many many words and vast quantities of complex industry language, is a too difficult translation project for a single person or a single third-party agency to take on.

In the wake of the English to German translation mishap we've contemplated a lot on how we were supposed to move ahead with the remaining languages. We don't want to make the same mistake again by working with a sole agency and while working with single translators probably yields more control and costs less, there's still the issue of contextual translation and aviation terminology quality. No... we've come to realize, that the only persons who would be up for the task is... you! You have the know-how of Airport CEO to understand the words in their context, and you're also interested in aviation and know what words are typically used. Now we're asking you for help to translate Airport CEO.

We've teamed up together with Localizor, an online crowd translation tool built by the creator of Startup Company where you can help out in translating the text of games in exchange for coins that can be redeemed into Steam keys. We've received loads of requests from various airport CEOs who want to participate in the translation of ACEO into their native language, but this has always been out of the question as we've not only lacked the tools to allow people to help out on a smaller scale but also because we haven't had a reasonable way to compensate participants for their work. Localizor solves both those problems and we're really excited to try it out together with you. This is how it works:

Airport CEO on Localizor

  1. Head on over to the Localizor platform and sign up
  2. Select a game you want to translate (preferably Airport CEO but there are a few other projects available as well)
  3. Get busy translating! Either fill in a translation of some text that hasn't been translated or vote on existing suggestions that already have been submitted.
  4. When you've accumulated enough coins, head over to Localizor's coin shop to redeem a Steam key!

Localizor's interface overview when translating existing English strings into Swedish (for example)

We've created a designated Airport CEO forum thread for the translation project in which we can freely discuss this ACEO side project in regards to translation, Localizor or anything else related to languages in ACEO.

We hope you will like to join in on translating Airport CEO together with us and Localizor, and to ultimately bring the ACEO experience to new people!

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